Hort Enterprises presents JackPot
Above Ground Grow Bags for Trees and Plants
Congratulations! You’ve hit the JackPot! Keep reading to find out how you can grow huge, healthy plants in these high-quality, money-saving grow bags.
The JackPot above ground grow bags for trees and plants was developed by Florida tree growers, and it has been tested for years under the extremes of the Florida climate. Many landscape contractors have come to appreciate the rapid establishment in the landscape and subsequent savings realized when planting a JackPot-grown tree. The JackPot above ground grow bags for trees and plants has many benefits to growers including:
One Great Container
- Thick, sturdy fabric
- Porous sides and bottom allow for good soil drainage
- UV-treated fabric resists sun damage
- Reduced irrigation needs
- Requires less storage space than traditional containers
Healthier Root Structure
- Air root pruning
- Minimized root circling
- Fuller, more fibrous root structure
Sturdy and Wind Resistant
- Durable and strong
- Resists damage from expanding and aggressive roots
- Ground-hugging bottoms reduce wind blow-overs
- Tack-down provided when roots penetrate bottom
Cost-Effective Harvesting
- No need for pre-harvest preparation such as root pruning
- No digging of field-grown trees
- Reduced harvest costs and time
- Ability to grow in areas with sandy soils
Faster Growth
- More feeder roots promote faster growth
- Insulated soil provides moderated root zone temperature
- More natural, in-ground-like environment
Inexpensive and Insurable
- Extremely cost-effective when compared to traditional plastic and air-pruning containers
- Recognized by the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation